Travel Planning Consultation is started. 日本に旅行する人の無料相談所の開始します。

Hello. This is Hiroki Tokoi from Hospitality Bridge Inc. For those who want to travel to Japan, are you getting enough information from OTAs or travel agencies? If not, we are here.
We are starting a Travel Planning Consulting service.
Please contact us via DM on Instagram for a free consultation. Here's the link:

We welcome various inquiries about accommodations, activities, meals, transportation, restrictions, admission methods, etiquette, restaurants that require reservations, and EnglishーJapanese translation support (as you go to the countryside, only a few speak English, so it is hard to even make the reservation), travel private guides, and more. We will do our best to support you so that your trip to Japan will be enjoyable and create the best memories.

こんにちは。株式会社Hospitality Bridgeの常井大輝(トコイヒロキ)です。
ということで、弊社ではTravel Planning Consultingを始めます。


株式会社Hospitality Bridge
常井 大輝